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The annual increase of photovoltaic is expected to reach 75GW

The annual increase of photovoltaic is expected to reach 75GW

Dec 26, 2023

After evaluating the revised "National Energy and Climate Plan" (NECP), the European Commission called on European governments to "increase their efforts" and accelerate energy transformation.


NECP is a plan to achieve its energy-structured energy structure from the EU governments until 2030. It was first implemented in 2019. This year, the European Commission provided the governments to update its NECP opportunities to keep the climate plan of various countries consistent with the new clean energy goals. The new plan will be written into the law in June next year.


The European Commission found that if the revised NECP plan is realized, European greenhouse gas emissions will only be 51%of the level of 1990, which is far from expected.


The European Commission also pointed out that according to the new NECP, the proportion of renewable energy in European energy structure is expected to reach 39.3%. Although this is higher than the 32% target set in the EU's second -generation renewable energy instructions, it is lower than the 42.5% target stipulated in the EU law, and it is also introduced as part of the third generation renewable energy instruction. 45% ideal goal.


The leadership of the European Commission is optimistic that the latest round of evaluation will be conducive to the renewable energy industry in Europe. Nevertheless, senior people pointed out that this is only the limitations of the European decarbon commitment.


In recent weeks, the European Union has adopted a series of measures to promote energy transformation in the EU. The European Commission and the European Parliament have reached an agreement on the fixed price structure of new renewable energy projects to make clean energy investment more economical.


However, research by Rystad Energy has shown that in order to establish their own and sufficient renewable energy supply chain, renewable energy developers outside China need to invest $700 billion for mining and manufacturing. This shows that since there is a unanimous legislative framework, the responsibility of achieving clean energy goals now falls on private companies and individual developers.


The European Commission announced in its NECP evaluation document: "Although most member states have now submitted a draft of the update plan, the European Commission felt regrettable that the draft planning of several countries was not submitted, which seriously affected this one Process. The European Commission calls on all member states to abide by the final period for submitting the final plan in June 2024. "The European Commission focuses on pointing out that the responsibility for compliance with the final term and the achievement of new goals should be borne by governments of various countries.


In fact, the main participants of the two European energy markets in France and Germany failed to submit the revised NECP before the last period of June 30. Both countries eventually submitted a revision plan. The current targets are 60GW and 215GW, respectively, ranking among countries with the highest solar power capacity of the European continent. Nevertheless, the practice of the two countries unwilling or unable to quickly take action to achieve the EU goal to make people's commitments to achieve these goals.


Despite these concerns, the European Commission pointed out that NECP in some countries has made positive progress, especially the solar industry.


The European Commission pointed out that Lithuania and Estonia are expected to rely on renewable energy to meet 100%of energy needs by 2030, and Danish renewable energy capacity is expected to exceed the total energy demand.


The European Commission also asked countries to pay attention to the European Union's solar energy strategy. The strategy is a part of the RepowerEu plan implemented in 2022, which aims to encourage a large number of new optical installation capacity in European countries. This plan aims to achieve a new solar photovoltaic power capacity with a license process of simplifying the new solar energy project by 2025 to achieve nearly 600GW at the end of this decade.

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